Product Description
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function initiateCarousel(module) {
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* Carousel button element classname
* @const
var GOTO_BTN_CLASS_NAME = "aplus-goto-btn-" + MODULE_ID;
* Carousel button element active classname
* @const
var GOTO_BTN_ACTIVE_CLASS_NAME = "aplus-active";
* AUI name for aui carousel
* @const
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* Module class name
* @const
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* @const
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* Carousel text hidden class name
* @const
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* Carousel horizontal scroll container class name
* @const
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function scrollToCarouselButton(scrollLeft) {
* Creates a CarouselButton class for provided carousel instance
* @param {object} carousel - AUI Carousel instance
* @returns {Class} - CarouselButton Class
function CarouselButtonTemplate(carousel) {
* Button for controlling the active slide
* @constructor
* @param {number} index - slide index
* @param {DOMElement} [elem] - optional DOM element to use as this objects DOM representation
function CarouselButton(index, elem) {
var self = this;
this.index = index;
this.carousel = carousel;
/* create the button element */
this.elem = this.getElem(elem);
this.$elem = $(this.elem); /* store jquery version */
this.elem.addEventListener('click', self.handleClick.bind(self));
/* add this object to the object manager */
CarouselButton.objects.byId[index] = this;
* Describe behavior for click events on this.elem
* @memberOf CarouselButton
CarouselButton.prototype.handleClick = function(e) {
* Enter active state
* @memberOf CarouselButton
CarouselButton.prototype.activate = function() {
this.$elem.addClass(GOTO_BTN_ACTIVE_CLASS_NAME).attr('aria-selected', 'true');
* Enter inactive state
* @memberOf CarouselButton
CarouselButton.prototype.deactivate = function() {
this.$elem.removeClass(GOTO_BTN_ACTIVE_CLASS_NAME).attr('aria-selected', 'false');
* Returns an existing or creates a new bound element for this object
* @memberOf CarouselButton
* @param {DOMElement} [elem] - optionally provide an existing element in the DOM to use
* @returns {DOMElement} - this objects DOM representation
CarouselButton.prototype.getElem = function(elem) {
if (this.elem) return this.elem;
if (elem) return elem;
var createdElem = document.createElement('span');
createdElem.className = GOTO_BTN_CLASS_NAME;
return createdElem;
/** @const Object manager */
CarouselButton.objects = {
byId: {},
all: [],
return CarouselButton;
framework.onInit(CAROUSEL_NAME, function(carousel) {
/** @const {Class} */
var CarouselButton = CarouselButtonTemplate(carousel);
/* create carousel controls */
var $carouselBtns = $(safeClassSelector(GOTO_BTN_CLASS_NAME));
var btns = $, btnElem) {
return new CarouselButton(i + 1, btnElem);
/* activate first one */
/* Listen to slide changes */
A.on("a:carousel:" + CAROUSEL_NAME + ":change:pageNumber", function (data) {
var newCarouselButton = CarouselButton.objects.byId[data.newValue];
var marginLeft = parseInt(getComputedStyle(newCarouselButton.elem).getPropertyValue('margin-left'));
var positionLeft = newCarouselButton.elem.offsetLeft - marginLeft;
showCarouselText(data.oldValue, data.newValue);
* @returns {string} - css classname prefixed with module selector
function safeClassSelector(className) {
return '.' + MODULE_CLASS_NAME + ' .' + className;
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1 High-Quality Product 2 Coverage 3 Schedule 4 Connectivity 5 Pet & Kids Friendly
(function(f) {var _np=(window.P._namespace("PremiumAplusModule"));if(_np.guardFatal){_np.guardFatal(f)(_np);}else{f(_np);}}(function(P) {
Scent Diffuser White
Diffuser Comparison
1,500 Sq ft
500 Sq ft
Flexible settings
Bluetooth & App
Wall Tabletop Floor
No Flame
Pet Friendly
1,500 Sq ft
500 Sq ft
Flexible settings
Bluetooth & App
Wall Tabletop Floor
No Flame
Pet Friendly
1,500 Sq ft
1,500 Sq ft
Flexible settings
Bluetooth & App
Wall Tabletop Floor
Wall Tabletop Floor
No Flame
Pet Friendly
Previous page
Plug-in Diffuser 201
Plug-in Diffuser 202
Scent Diffuser Black
Next page"premium-aplus-9-carousel-3").execute(function(init) {
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// force remove focus
Learn More
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New Innovative Technology
Our diffusers transform liquid scent into vaporized particles, evenly filling spaces with fragrance.
Elevate Any Space with our 2024 Scent Machine
Experience luxurious scents for home, office, or commercial areas with 1,500-2,000 sq ft coverage.
Unmatched Scent Experience
Dry vaporous microparticles capable of evenly perfuming your environment, promoting well-being.
Plug & Play Wall Diffuser
Instantly fills spaces up to 500 sq ft with evenly distributed fragrance in minutes.
Easy Plug-in and Play Diffuser
With 4 intensity levels for small to medium-sized rooms.
Next page
1 Discover 2 Scent Diffuser White 3 Scent Diffuser Black 4 Plug-in Diffuser White 5 Plug-in Diffuser Black
(function(f) {var _np=(window.P._namespace("PremiumAplusModule"));if(_np.guardFatal){_np.guardFatal(f)(_np);}else{f(_np);}}(function(P) {
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Transform each room into an exclusive retreat reminiscent of a luxury hotel with our diverse range of exquisite scents. Personalize your home with a unique aroma that defines you.
Discover the ultimate collection of our fragrances
Our curated selection features these best fragrances so you can explore and choose from a range of scents that suit your personality and style before buying a full bottle.
Samples Kit AromaPlan
Our Sample Kit features 12 samples of our top premium fragrances. This is your opportunity to experience and confirm the quality and be impressed by our fragrances.
Purchase Now
Samples Kit AromaPlan
Our Sample Kit features 12 samples of our top premium fragrances. This is your opportunity to experience and confirm the quality and be impressed by our fragrances.
Purchase now
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How can I find the App to connect my diffuser?
Search for “AromaPlan” on your App Store or Google Play Store. The DAP Diffuser can be controlled by only one device, since it works via Bluetooth connection.
What is the DAP Diffuser recipient size? And How long does the oil last?
With a 300mL reservoir, the diffuser consumes 1 mL of oil per hour on average, set to work for 40s and pause for 30s. Adjusting pause and work times allows for more efficient fragrance consumption.
Are diffusers compatible with my phone?
Yes, only our AromaPlan DAP 1001 / 1002 scent diffusers are compatible with iOS and Android devices, allowing you to control the schedule and intensity level of your diffuser via Bluetooth.
Can I set different schedules for different days of the week?
Yes, you can! First, choose the day of the week and then choose the settings. Confirm and save it. After that, select the other days of the week and choose the different settings.
How can I reset the DAP Diffuser to connect properly to the AromaPlan App?
Disconnect the power cord, press and hold the button below the light (reset button). Connect the power cord again. Keep pressing the reset button till you hear the beep. the diffuser will reset to its original factory settings.
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AMAZING FRAGRANCE IN EVERY CORNER – This 2024 upgraded AromaPlan scent home machine has an incredible 1,500 to 2,000 Sq Ft coverage. It can be used to cover an entire home, office, spa or commercial space that will smell and feel like a 5-star hotel.
SCENT ANY SPACE IN MINUTES- With a unique NT-10x technology that converts liquid perfume into dry vaporous microparticles, this new scent machine will evenly scent any environment in minutes.
EASY TO SET UP WITH CUSTOMIZABLE SETTINGS - All done through the exclusive AromaPlan app in the palm of your hand, in a few minutes. This new scent diffuser is controlled exclusively via Bluetooth through the AromaPlan app (available for IOS and ANDROID). It is possible to make several advanced schedules (days of operation, specific times, fog intensity, work time and break time.
MESS & NOISE-FREE- Unlike other cheap essential oil diffusers that make a mess, leaving oily and wet residue around , our waterless scent diffuser is completely mess-free. AromaPlan quiet nebulizer machine allows you to relax and not waste any time cleaning. It also is easily installed on any wall or floor.
NATURAL & SAFE - AromaPlan is completely safe for PETS & KIDS so you can enjoy all of the wonderful benefits of our aromas without any of the worrying. Our scents are free of solvents and raw materials derived from petroleum.
PLACE IT ANYWHERE! This scent air machine allows you to enjoy the fragrance of your choice in a variety of settings. Place this scent air machine anywhere and have it installed as part of your home's ventilation system (note that the hose does not come with this device, but can be easily found.
CREATED BY VISIONARY AND PASSIONATE ENTREPERNEURS - AromaPlan is a young company, specialized in creating aroma experiences. We are driven by passion and inspired by love. Our goal is to provide memorable experiences with high-quality fragrances that create a specific ambience with pure essential scents. Our scent machines use advanced technology to convert perfume into dry microparticles. The experience is so powerful you'll feel as if you're in a 5-star hotel.
Recommended Uses For Product
Office, Home
Upgraded White
Special Feature
Silent Operation